Created: Tuesday April 27, 2021
Last Edited: Thursday April 29, 2021
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version 2_
are accessible but hidden.this is the title.extension
is the root+ website
|-+ _static
| |- style.css
| |- base.html
|-+ blog
| |- My First
| |- My Second
Rendering technique:
start with the root folder
(1) enter the folder
if index.* in folder
go to (2) with index.*
pages = for each item in folder
if item is a folder go to (1)
if not go to (2) with item
if item is hidden, don't hide
make feed from subpages
render index with feed if markdown
render raw index if html
(2) load the file
use git to find last time modified
if file is markdown, render and insert into default html template
if file is html, do the raw html
otherwise, insert into default html template
emit rendered page without extension
emit raw page with extension
folder is used for configuration.something
files are ignored.dump/ext/<ext>.mustache
defines a template for <ext>
file type.dump/base.mustache
defines the base templatecopy the directory to a new location
walk the new directory:
for each file, render out copy as html
for each directory, render out all sub-files