The Dump Project

'Crafted' /s by Isaac Clayton


Created: Thursday April 29, 2021
Last Edited: Friday April 30, 2021

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This is a quick and dirty CLI tool that:

Under the hood we use ramhorns for templating, and rss for, well, RSS.

Disclaimer: This project is not production quality, and I don’t intend for it to ever be. I just wanted to blow some steam, and write a project without enforcing abstraction or error handling or correctness or whatever. Don’t use this as a SSG unless you want to fiddle around with the code yourself.

Note: You can also read the Dump of this repository, as generated by this repository, right here. Meta, right?


After installing dump as a binary on your $PATH, To dump a website:

# input is cwd
cd website
dump ../website-rendered # output path


  1. Your dump doesn’t have to be named website. You could name it Carl’s Magical Landfill for all I care.
  2. By default, if ‘output path’ already exists, dump will abort. To overwrite the output path no matter what, pass the --force flag after the output path: dump <output> --force.


We only require one thing: a .dump/ directory in website’s root. The .dump/ directory must have the following files:

base.mustacheBase html file into which all pages are rendered
index.mustacheComponent for indexes
text.mustacheComponent for plain text files
binary.mustacheComponent for unknown binary files

Defaults for these files can be copied from this repo’s ./dump.

You can also define additional components for extensions, say, Markdown. These extensions must exist in .dump/ext/. Dump provides content as markdown, if requested, so the following is possible:

<!-- ./dump/ext/md.mustache -->

These extensions must take the form <ext>.mustache, where <ext> is the file extension, e.g. has the <ext> of md.


We use Mustache for templating (the ramhorns engine specifically). Here are the fields avaliable for templating:

Base fields

Here are the base fields provided, that can be accessed directly, e.g. {{content}}:

Metadata fields

m, parent, and children are all metadata. Note that these are nested fields need to be accessed as {{#field}}{{value}}{{/field}}:


md is the markdown field. It has only one item:

This field can be used in templates like this: {{#md}}{{{content}}}{{/md}}. Note that content must be escaped with triple brackets {{{}}} because it is raw html.

Nothing much else to add, I guess.

Getting Creative

Extensions are pretty flexible. Say we have an image file (.png) and we want it to be rendered as a page. We can something like:

<!-- ./dump/ext/png.mustache -->
<p>Taken on: {{#m}}{{created}}{{/m}}</p>
<img src="{{#m}}{{raw_link}}{{\m}}">

Here, the img tag links to the raw image.

I’m not going to write a full example here, but we could also use JS, to, say, write an interface to explore some data or something.

This is a very barebones project, and I have more planned. (Check out

I have this huge 2TB hard-drive with a collection of files I want to be able to toss up online and explore. My goal is to be able to dump the drive and host it as a professional-looking website.

The .dumpignore

If you put a .dumpignore in .dump, files that match the .dumpignore will be ignored. Although this file uses the same syntax as a .gitignore, it’s a bit different semantically: you can only have one, and all patterns are matched from the root.

Note: This doesn’t work 100% yet.

The dump_rss.toml

Dump can generate an RSS feed for your website, just include a dump_rss.toml in .dump. The format is as follows:

title = "The Dump Website Dumper"
url = ""
description = "This is the dump of the program that made this dump."

Note: This works, but hasn’t been tested with an RSS reader. The XML looks good though.