The Dump Project

'Crafted' /s by Isaac Clayton


Created: Thursday April 29, 2021
Last Edited: Friday April 30, 2021

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use std::{fs, path::Path};
use serde::Deserialize;
use toml;
use rss::{ItemBuilder, ChannelBuilder};
use crate::metadata::Metadata;

pub struct RssConfig {
    title:       String,
    url:         String,
    description: String,

impl RssConfig {
    pub fn new(file: &Path) -> Option {
        let contents = fs::read_to_string(file).ok()?;
        let config = toml::from_str(&contents)
            .expect("RSS exists, but not valid");
        return Some(config);

    pub fn write_feed(&self, root: &Path, mut metadata: Vec) {

        let mut items = vec![];
        for raw_item in metadata {
            let item = ItemBuilder::default()
                .link(format!("{}/{}/index.html", self.url,
                .expect("Could not build RSS item");

        let channel = ChannelBuilder::default()
            .generator("RSS Dumped by Dump".to_string())
            .expect("Could not build RSS channel");

        let output = fs::File::create(root.join("dump.rss"))
            .expect("Could not create RSS output file");
        channel.pretty_write_to(output, b' ', 2)
            .expect("Could not write RSS feed to file");