Created: Tuesday April 27, 2021
Last Edited: Thursday April 29, 2021
↖ Back to src?
use std::{
path::{PathBuf, Path},
mod dump;
mod metadata;
mod route;
mod render;
mod dump_rss;
fn main() {
let start = time::Instant::now();
// get input and validate
let input_path = env::current_dir()
.expect("Could not get current directory");
let output_path = env::args_os().nth(1)
.expect("Usage: ");
let overwrite = match env::args_os().nth(2) {
Some(flag) => flag == "--force",
None => false,
let exists = Path::new(&output_path).exists();
if overwrite {
if exists {
let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&output_path);
} else {
if exists {
panic!("Output path already exists. Remove it and try again");
// build the walking context from .dump
let base = dump::Env::base(input_path.join(".dump"));
let mut extensions = dump::ExtMap::new(base, input_path.join(".dump").join("ext"));
// start recursive rendering process with root page
let base_root = route::Route::root(input_path);
let mut for_rss = vec![];
// render out to a tmp dir, then move?
render::render(None, &base_root, &mut extensions, PathBuf::from(output_path.clone()), &mut for_rss);
// do the RSS stuff
if let Some(rss) = extensions.env.dump_rss {
println!("Generating RSS feed...");
rss.write_feed(Path::new(&output_path), for_rss);
} else {
println!("Not generating RSS feed.")
// time it
let taken = time::Instant::now().duration_since(start).as_millis();
println!("Dumped in {}s!", taken as f64 / 1000.0);